Cheeky Wipes is a British brand selling eco-friendly, reusable baby wipes for sensitive skin. wanted help boosting sales and driving more qualified traffic to their website. We used a multi-channel approach to engage different audiences on different platforms, via the promotion of their monthly special offer.
Two campaigns needed optimising on Google AdWords: Shopping, to increase conversions, and Search, to drive more potential customers to the website. Improving the shopping feed ensured wider coverage and higher click-through rates. Targeting the right keywords and bids minimised budget wastage and boosted sales.
On Facebook, we provided insights and recommendations to make the page look more appealing, and then set up their advertising campaign. We promoted their monthly offer to very specific, and relevant audiences, with different ad messaging for repeat versus new customers.
We also consulted Cheeky Wipes on scripting and designing a whiteboard animated video - their best performing ad creative so far.
Improved targeting and superior ad quality drives more clicks, which platforms reward with lower costs per click.
Personalised messaging combined with smarter targeting delivers more interesting content to prospects at scale.
We eliminate low performers, refine audience targeting, and reduce cost per click to save you money.
Testing and refining ad copy, landing pages, and conversion paths to eliminate barriers, grows sales per user.
Mining external data allows us to identify new avenues to grow your business, while minimising risks.
Devise smarter marketing strategies that your clients value rather without seeming intrusive or irritating.