A comprehensive optimisation strategy helped the UK financial services provider develop a search friendly site structure and target visitors searching for a wide variety of search queries ranging from financial products to stock quotes.
With thousands of pages, and a wide range of content on the site, hl.co.uk needed to be optimised for the right keywords. We created a comprehensive keyword map pairing target keywords to the correct pages within the website, and identifying content gaps where new pages needed to be built.
We audited the entire website in depth, and consulted Hargreaves Lansdown's in-house team on ways to improve their organic search presence. The detailed website analysis identified optimisation pitfalls; we provided recommendations to resolve all issues, and supported the in-house team implementing SEO changes.
On-site SEO training sessions were provided over the course of a week, to equip the in-house marketing, content, and technical teams to resolve current issues and establish best practices when creating new content.
Improved targeting and superior ad quality drives more clicks, which platforms reward with lower costs per click.
Personalised messaging combined with smarter targeting delivers more interesting content to prospects at scale.
We eliminate low performers, refine audience targeting, and reduce cost per click to save you money.
Testing and refining ad copy, landing pages, and conversion paths to eliminate barriers, grows sales per user.
Mining external data allows us to identify new avenues to grow your business, while minimising risks.
Devise smarter marketing strategies that your clients value rather without seeming intrusive or irritating.