We worked with the Jamie Oliver Ltd, and his publishers Penguin Random House in the UK and Kosmos Uitgevers in the Netherlands, to promote "5 Ingredients" to a whole new audience.

Gamers Young men

Cookbooks For Young Men

In addition to Jamie's usual followers, the new book appealed to young professionals, and people in busy households. The campaigns needed to especially engage younger male audiences, even those who don't show a direct interest in recipes and cooking.

Intelligent Targeting

Targeting the right people with the right message was key to the success of this campaign. We identified appropriate YouTube channels, display placements, and Facebook user segments by researching the interests and browsing habits of our target audience.

Target Data analysis

Facebook Strategy

On Facebook, the concept of the book lent itself perfectly to the Carousel ad format. Users could quickly see the end result and the five simple ingredients used to prepare the dish. They could then click through to buy the book directly from Amazon.

Display & YouTube Strategy

Snappy video ads and animated GIFs on YouTube and Google's Display Network showcased some of the most popular recipes. A call-to-action overlay on YouTube attracted user attention to drive purchases.

5 Ingredients has become one of Jamie Oliver's best selling books, breaking a number of records for the celebrity chef. The book was the #1 best seller on Amazon UK for 10 weeks and was continuously in the top 5 through the Christmas season right from the time it was launched in August 2017.
  • 1.3 million unique users taking action on Facebook.
  • Generated over 50 million impressions.
  • Over 1 million copies sold worldwide.

Intelligent, Data-driven Solutions for Retail

Reduce costs per click

Improved targeting and superior ad quality drives more clicks, which platforms reward with lower costs per click.

Engage more prospects

Personalised messaging combined with smarter targeting delivers more interesting content to prospects at scale.

Stop wasting money

We eliminate low performers, refine audience targeting, and reduce cost per click to save you money.

Improve conversion rates

Testing and refining ad copy, landing pages, and conversion paths to eliminate barriers, grows sales per user.

Reach more clients

Mining external data allows us to identify new avenues to grow your business, while minimising risks.

Earn customer loyalty

Devise smarter marketing strategies that your clients value rather without seeming intrusive or irritating.

Let's Talk About Your Strategy

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